"Rooting for no one today"

Films: Seed of Destruction (2011)

Alias: Project Alamut

Type: Mystical

Location: Civilized Area

Height/Weight: Indescribable

Affiliation: Neutral

Summary: We've seen killer plant movies before. But one must not forget their roots. As in, their ACTUAL roots. Because they don't always stay in the ground. But you might wish they had...

History: Recently, some seeds said to be from the Garden of Eden itself were unearthed. While some had the idea to grow and modify these ancient plants, it turned out to be a horrible idea. Mainly because the seeds ended up spawning colossal roots that were not only alive, but threatened to tear the whole Earth asunder.

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: After blowing up the center of where the roots are coming from, our heroes make it so that the roots that remain above ground grow fertile plant life. Thus, the key to coexistence is achieved...

Powers/Abilities: There is simply no telling how big the roots could get unimpeded.

Weakness: Heavy artillery, can be altered to a less destructive purpose.

Scariness Factor: 3.5-The typical made-for-TV bad CGI is there, and it does sort of highlight the unappealing horror premise. Sure, having giant natural structures uproot the ground you're walking on is no picnic, but the simple solution and the surprisingly pleasant end result mitigate the terror of a secondary Garden of Eden.

Trivia: -You can find the greatest and most spread out roots coming from the Bayan tree of India. The record holder has hundreds of roots spread out to a circumference of close to 1,400 feet.

-The plant with the longest roots in length is the grass of rye, with a root system as long as about 387 miles.

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Okay, who's got the Olypmic-sized weedwhacker?

Giant snakes, then?

"Next stop...Las Vegas."
Somebody didn't run fast enough.

"Joining that gardener's club was a mistaaaaake!"
Hell's Garden rises.